Saturday, July 3, 2010

Horseback Riding

All week for camp, Mary has been learning to horseback ride. She even has her own pair of cowgirl boots -- when we bought them a few weeks ago they looked brand new. But now, after week at the ranch about 70 miles outside of Houston, they look like she's had them her whole life. Mary's horse was named Taxman (because he was born on April 15) and she rode him everyday.

Yesterday, Meg, John and I drove out to the ranch to see Mary and all the other kids from her camp ride their horses in a performance for parents. Mary looked like a real natural and loved riding Taxman in front of all of us. You can see in the video how proud her face was during the whole thing.

The hardest part for Mary was saying goodbye to Taxman, as she showed some tears when she realized she wasn't going to get to ride him again any time soon.

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