Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Photos by John

I'm playing around with other ways to show photos. This little album was created with Picassa. Let me know how you like (or don't like) it.

Photo Albums Working

The photo albums on the right side of the page are now working. After you finish looking at them, just push the "back" button on your browser. Eventually I'll include a link in the albums themselves to allow you to return automatically to the main page of the blog.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday fun time

Mary seems fully recovered from the flu. She went to Sully's birthday
party yesterday and is at Jackie's right now.
Despite a lingering cough, John also seems fine. He is enjoying
himself at Suvir's birthday party at the Children's Museum.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Meg and Mary Ferris' Day Off

Meg and Mary are both still home today, although Mary seems a little more lively than yesterday. She woke up closer to 7 and was dressed and fed not long after that. She is essentially asymptomatic other than feeling a little more tired than usual.

The two of them have been reading together and running errands while some work is done around the house (mostly painting some of the interior rooms).

Also, happy birthday to Baba, who turns 69 today. And a belated birthday to Big Rig who marked his 79th birthday on Sunday.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mary still at home

Mary seemed to be perking up yesterday – she even had her friend Sully over for an extended play date. Sully’s parents were fully briefed on Mary’s health status before sending her over. The fact that Sully had the flu several weeks ago probably had a lot to do with their allowing her to come over.

This morning, however, Mary was verrry sluggish. She didn’t fully wake up until after 9 am. So Meg is still at home with Mary and they’re going to take it a little easier today.

Thanks again for all the thoughtful calls, e-mails and text messages.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Aunt Lex finishing a Triathalon in Seattle

Way to go, Lex!

Mary doing OK

Mary was a little sluggish this morning, but she's always sluggish in the morning. (John has said to her on more than one occasion: "You look like you need a cup of coffee, Mary!") But overall, Mary seems OK. She is not back to her old self, but is light years better than she was on Saturday. She is still taking Tamiflu twice a day, but has not needed any Tylenol as her fever has not returned.

John does not seem to have any flu symptoms, although his bark-like cough is persisting. He was complaining about not feeling well this morning, but he doesn't have any fever either. To be safe, Meg will likely take him to the doctor today (she's staying home as per instructions from Mark Kline).

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Update on Mary

Mary spent all yesterday afternoon in bed - sleeping and being read to. She didn't really eat anything and had a high fever most of the time (around 102 or 103) despite Tylenol. When Meg gave her Tamiflu in the evening she threw it up.

Meg was in constant contact with Mary's doctor and Mark Kline. We were worried because her fever was not going down and eventually spiked at 103.4.

The only good sign was that she was sleeping a lot. We checked on her about 1 am and managed to get some more Tylenol in her - which she managed to keep down.

So we were surprised this morning to be awakened by Mary's voice in our bedroom. It wasn't just that her voice didn't sound sick; we were amazed that she was able to walk into our room under her own power. Chris had been carrying her around the house most of yesterday.

Mary just ate a good breakfast and seems like her old self. Of course, she started yesterday like this as well.

The rest of us so far aren't exhibiting any flu symptoms, although John has a cough and runny nose. Meg has been told to stay home from work since she comes into contact with so many doctors and other health care providers. We will also keep John home from school so he doesn't spread the flu there.

It's a strange feeling wondering and waiting to see when/if the rest of us will get it. We do have a supply of Tamiflu on hand for the next victim.

Thanks to everyone for their kind thoughts and words.

Sent from my iPhone (so please excuse any typos).

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mary has the flu

Mary woke up last night with a high fever and threw up the children's Tylenol Meg gave her.

We were not surprised since Mary's camp is closed next week due to cases of H1N1 flu. We took her to the doctor this morning and he confirmed the flu in our girl.

She seemed ok most of the morning but as we were driving back from the pharmacy she cratered. Mary is in bed now having taken her Tamiflu and some Tylenol (both of which she has kept down).

The other Ferris family members are also at risk for the flu so we'll be monitoring our health as well. We're hopeful that catching it early will make this a little easier on all of us.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Welcome - UPDATE

You've been invited to see the new Ferris Family web site. If you don't want to get e-mail updates when we publish to the site, just post a note in the comments or e-mail Chris at chrisandmegferris [at] earthlink [dot]net.

UPDATE: Whoops, the photo albums on the right aren't working right now. We'll get that fixed soon.

Welcome to the New Ferris Family Online

We're bailing out of the old web site and converting to a regular blog. This will allow us to update the site on the go -- from Chris' iPhone or Meg's Blackberry. For example, the two photos below of Mary and John were taking with Chris' iPhone and posted immediately.

We'll still post longer photos albums (see the links on the right) as well as videos to YouTube (those links are also on the right).

You can get regular updates on the blog by becoming a follower (on the lower right). I think you have to have a google account to follow in this way. You can also subscribe using an RSS feed from the far lower left.

Or, of course, you can just check the site regularly if that's what you prefer. Please make sure to leave comments so we can know how you like the new format.

Mary posing

Having pizza for dinner

New car!

Mary and John posing in front of our new car.

Blog post

Testing blog post from my iPhone.

Sent from my iPhone (so please excuse any typos).